Virtual Reality Simulated Patient Encounters
Showing 49–72 of 250 results

Critical Care Post-MVA
Southeastern Illinois CollegeA 33-year-old male presenting after having presented to the ICU from the Emergency Department following a motor vehicle crash. He is known to have multiple injuries, including facial trauma, pneumothorax which has been treated with a chest tube, head injury, and hemorrhage. The participant must stabilize the patient through the...
A 33-year-old male presenting after having presented to the ICU from the Emergency Department following a motor vehicle crash. He is known to have multiple...

Cumulative Complex Patient
Indiana University East School of Nursing and Health SciencesDeanne Ross is a 62-year-old female admitted to the progressive care unit this morning with increased fatigue, lethargy, new confusion, and ESRD (CRF). Deanne has a long history of anemia, non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, HTN, and chronic pyelonephritis resulting in permanent damage to her kidneys. Learners are expected to prioritize...
Cumulative Complex Patient
Deanne Ross is a 62-year-old female admitted to the progressive care unit this morning with increased fatigue, lethargy, new confusion, and ESRD (CRF). Deanne has...

De-escalation of Agitated Patient
College of St. Scholastica30-year-old female named Eleanor is found in the community agitated and brought to the emergency department by EMS. Medical history is unknown. The RNs and APRNs will work together with an interdisciplinary approach to de-escalate the client.
30-year-old female named Eleanor is found in the community agitated and brought to the emergency department by EMS. Medical history is unknown. The RNs and...

Desaturation and Bradycardia in Infant
Children's NationalIn this scenario the patient is a 2-month-old ex-full-term male with a history of a small secundum ASD and moderate conoventricular septal defect. He is POD#0 from stitch closure of ASD and patch repair of the VSD. The post-op TEE shows a small residual ASD, no residual VSD, and good...
In this scenario the patient is a 2-month-old ex-full-term male with a history of a small secundum ASD and moderate conoventricular septal defect. He is...

Difficult Client
Georgian CollegeYou are meeting with Michael on a one-to-one basis after he has just received some unexpected news that he will be remaining in the hospital, involuntarily.
You are meeting with Michael on a one-to-one basis after he has just received some unexpected news that he will be remaining in the hospital,...

Domestic Violence
Indiana University East School of Nursing and Health SciencesFarrah Essa is a 20-year-old middle eastern woman that arrived at the emergency department with her husband. She has arrived for acute burns to both arms and hands and a bath towel is wrapped around both of her arms. The patient is reluctant to talk and her husband is anxious...
Domestic Violence
Farrah Essa is a 20-year-old middle eastern woman that arrived at the emergency department with her husband. She has arrived for acute burns to both...

Elsevier’s SLS for RN Bundle
ElsevierThe Most Comprehensive Virtual Reality Healthcare Curriculum: The Simulation Learning System with VR" by Elsevier & SimX Elsevier’s leading content and SimX’s best-in-class VR simulation engine power the most comprehensive VR healthcare curriculum ever developed–the Simulation Learning System with Virtual Reality (SLS with VR). Building on the Simulation Learning System’s...
Elsevier’s SLS for RN Bundle
The Most Comprehensive Virtual Reality Healthcare Curriculum: The Simulation Learning System with VR" by Elsevier & SimX Elsevier’s leading content and SimX’s best-in-class VR simulation...

EMS Anaphylaxis
SimXIn this scenario, the patient presents with difficulty breathing. Learners will need to ascertain from the patient’s history that they were exposed to peanuts with a known allergy. The learner must give Epi and the patient will improve. However, the patient will require a second dose of epi. If neither...
EMS Anaphylaxis
In this scenario, the patient presents with difficulty breathing. Learners will need to ascertain from the patient’s history that they were exposed to peanuts with...

EMS Anaphylaxis with Difficult Airway
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find a 53-year-old female patient lying on the floor next to a dining table experiencing significant respiratory distress. A family member says the patient was eating take-out food and suddenly had difficulty breathing. The patient has a known severe peanut allergy. Learner will perform an...
EMS Anaphylaxis with Difficult Airway
Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 53-year-old female patient lying on the floor next to a dining table experiencing significant respiratory distress. A family...

EMS Climbing Accident and Rescue
Air MethodsIn this scenario, a 34 year-old male is involved in a climbing accident after a rock fall cut his rope. The flight crew has arrived prior to any other first responders. The patient has sustained multiple traumatic injuries and is hemodynamically unstable when the flight crew arrives. The learner must...
In this scenario, a 34 year-old male is involved in a climbing accident after a rock fall cut his rope. The flight crew has arrived...

EMS Combative—Suicidal Intent
VALOR ProgramLearner arrives on-scene to find a 40-year-old female patient with a history of PTSD who is intoxicated and expressing both suicidal and homicidal ideation. The patient refuses to talk to police at the beginning of the case. Police ask the EMS providers to help convince the patient to be transported...
EMS Combative—Suicidal Intent
Learner arrives on-scene to find a 40-year-old female patient with a history of PTSD who is intoxicated and expressing both suicidal and homicidal ideation. The...

EMS Congestive Heart Failure
VALOR ProgramLearner responds to a 70-year-old male patient experiencing shortness of breath and chest tightness related to pulmonary edema. Learner should perform an initial assessment on scene, identify the patient's dyspnea and hypoxia, and provide appropriate respiratory support. The patient is in respiratory distress and can speak in only 1-2 syllable...
EMS Congestive Heart Failure
Learner responds to a 70-year-old male patient experiencing shortness of breath and chest tightness related to pulmonary edema. Learner should perform an initial assessment on...

EMS Diabetic Emergency
VALOR ProgramLearner is called to scene for reports of altered mental status. On arrival, they will find the 35-year-old female patient lying in the front yard who is localizing to pain but otherwise unresponsive. Bystanders gave one dose of naloxone without effect. Learner will perform an initial assessment and history from...
EMS Diabetic Emergency
Learner is called to scene for reports of altered mental status. On arrival, they will find the 35-year-old female patient lying in the front yard...

EMS Inferior STEMI
SimXA patient is being brought into the ED via ambulance with chest pains and presents initially normotensive and normocardic. The learner is expected to recognize inferior STEMI by the patient’s history, exam, and EKG. They must successfully activate the cath lab and start fluids, heparin, and pressors if needed. If...
EMS Inferior STEMI
A patient is being brought into the ED via ambulance with chest pains and presents initially normotensive and normocardic. The learner is expected to recognize...

EMS MCA Stroke
SimXUpon arrival learners find the patient arguing with his wife and telling the learner they don’t need to go to the hospital. Upon initial assessment, the learner finds that he has focal right sided weakness with right sided facial droop with last known normal 45 minutes ago. The learner should...
EMS MCA Stroke
Upon arrival learners find the patient arguing with his wife and telling the learner they don’t need to go to the hospital. Upon initial assessment,...

EMS Motor Vehicle Accident
SimXIn this scenario, learners are faced with a 40-year-old male who presents after MVA. They must begin assessment and treatment in the back of the ambulance while the patient is on a stretcher with a C collar in place. The patient has blood on his clothes and is screaming in...
EMS Motor Vehicle Accident
In this scenario, learners are faced with a 40-year-old male who presents after MVA. They must begin assessment and treatment in the back of the...

EMS Obstetrics Emergency
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find a 26-year-old female patient in the bathroom in the final stage of labor. Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that delivery is imminent. The Learner will aid in delivery which will proceed in an uncomplicated fashion. The newborn will initially be blue...
EMS Obstetrics Emergency
Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 26-year-old female patient in the bathroom in the final stage of labor. Learner will perform an initial assessment...

EMS Pediatric Hypovolemic Shock
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find a 6-year-old female, listless and lying in bed. Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that the patient is suffering from a respiratory illness with fever and vomiting. She recently passed out when trying to stand up. Current vitals are HR 150, BP...
EMS Pediatric Hypovolemic Shock
Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 6-year-old female, listless and lying in bed. Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that the patient...

EMS Pediatric Overdose
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find a 4-year-old male patient with decreased responsiveness, pinpoint pupils, and shallow respirations. Learner will perform an initial assessment and identify that the patient ingested some hydrocodone-acetaminophen tablets that belonged to the parent, with an open bottle on the bathroom counter. Learner will recognize signs...
EMS Pediatric Overdose
Learner will arrive on-scene to find a 4-year-old male patient with decreased responsiveness, pinpoint pupils, and shallow respirations. Learner will perform an initial assessment and...

EMS Pool Accident
VALOR ProgramLearner will arrive on-scene to find an 18-year-old male unresponsive patient with a bleeding head wound lying next to a pool in the backyard. Learner should perform an initial assessment, identify no pulses, initiate CPR, apply a defibrillator, and identify the patient is in PEA cardiac arrest. A cervical collar...
EMS Pool Accident
Learner will arrive on-scene to find an 18-year-old male unresponsive patient with a bleeding head wound lying next to a pool in the backyard. Learner...

EMS Prehospital Pediatric Trauma
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)In a car accident, a pediatric patient suffers trauma, head injury, fracture of one of his arms with deformity and bruises in thorax. He is confused with recent amnesia, but responds to orders. Two EMS must secure the area, give him first attention, and take him in their ambulance to...
In a car accident, a pediatric patient suffers trauma, head injury, fracture of one of his arms with deformity and bruises in thorax. He is...

EMS TCA Overdose
SimXThis scenario begins in a patient’s home where paramedics were called because the patient is not acting right and is unresponsive. Their family believes the patient may have overdosed on medications as she has been depressed since breaking up with her girlfriend last week. The learner can observe several medication...
EMS TCA Overdose
This scenario begins in a patient’s home where paramedics were called because the patient is not acting right and is unresponsive. Their family believes the...

EMS Trauma—Electrocution
VALOR ProgramLearner arrives on-scene to find a 65-year-old male patient on the floor with decreased responsiveness. Learner should perform an initial assessment and identify that the patient just suffered an electrocution injury during a home repair and is now bradycardic secondary to pacemaker failure. The patient also has electric burn injuries...
EMS Trauma—Electrocution
Learner arrives on-scene to find a 65-year-old male patient on the floor with decreased responsiveness. Learner should perform an initial assessment and identify that the...