Virtual Reality Simulated Patient Encounters

SimX Nursing Bundle
Social Determinants of Health
CBRN Bundle
EMS Bundle
PCC Bundle
SLS for RN Bundle
SUC Bundle
The Virtual Manikin™ Series

Showing 169–192 of 245 results

SimX Nursing Bundle
Social Determinants of Health
CBRN Bundle
EMS Bundle
PCC Bundle
SLS for RN Bundle
SUC Bundle
The Virtual Manikin™ Series
Learner Population
Advanced Practice Provider
Allied Health Professionals
Respiratory Therapist
Social Work
Speech-Language Pathologist
Community Health
Critical Care
Emergency Medicine
Internal Medicine
Disaster Medicine
Family Medicine
Home Health
Infectious Disease
Intensive Care
Mental Health
Wound Care
Air Methods
Baylor College of Medicine
Bundle of Rays
Eastern Michigan
Indiana University East SoN
Children's National
College of St. Scholastica
George Mason University
Georgian College
Mount Saint Mary
Northshore University Healthcare System
NYU Grossman School of Medicine
NYU Langone Health Department of Anesthesiology
Ohio State University
Parker University
South Carolina State University
Southeastern Illinois Univeristy
St. John Fisher University
Sun City
University of Delaware College of Health Sciences
University of Nebraska Medical Center
University of Pennsylvania SoN
University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
VR Support Center Europe
Advanced Complexity
Moderate Complexity
Special Complexity
Standard Complexity
Room Size
Patient Ect

Postoperative Assessment and Care


This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario FUN 12 - Lillian Chambers - Postoperative Assessment and Surgical Site Care on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Lillian Chambers, a 40-year-old Korean-American female, presented to the emergency department with acute right lower quadrant abdominal pain. After a diagnosis of ruptured appendix, an urgent...

Internal Medicine

Postoperative Assessment and Care

SLS for RN Bundle

This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario FUN 12 - Lillian Chambers - Postoperative Assessment and Surgical Site Care on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Lillian...

Case Information:
Bundles: SLS for RN Bundle
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: Internal Medicine
Author: Elsevier
Language: English, Spanish
Room size: 16x16
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: appendectomy, jackson-pratt drain, pacu, postoperative assessment, ruptured appendix, surgical dressing, surgical site care,

Postoperative Care


This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario FUN 10 - Boyd Dubois - Postoperative Pain Management and Care on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Boyd Dubois is a 58-year-old Caucasian male admitted for total right hip arthroplasty. After surgery, he was admitted to the inpatient orthopedic unit. He has an abduction...


Postoperative Care

SLS for RN Bundle

This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario FUN 10 - Boyd Dubois - Postoperative Pain Management and Care on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Boyd Dubois...

Case Information:
Bundles: SLS for RN Bundle
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: Surgery
Author: Elsevier
Language: English, German
Room size: 16x16
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: atelectasis, orthopedic, pain, pain management, post operative state, postoperative pain management,

Postoperative Care


This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario HA 9-1 - Marc Kozlov - Inpatient: Postoperative Respiratory Distress on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Marc Kozlov is a 21-year-old caucasian male. He lives a very active life and his status is postoperative after undergoing surgical repair of an ankle fracture. Overnight, he...

Internal Medicine

Postoperative Care

SLS for RN Bundle

This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario HA 9-1 - Marc Kozlov - Inpatient: Postoperative Respiratory Distress on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Marc Kozlov is...

Case Information:
Bundles: SLS for RN Bundle
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: Internal Medicine
Author: Elsevier
Language: English
Room size: 16x16
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: ankle fracture, atelectasis, patient controlled analgesia (pca) pump, postop, postoperative,

Postpartum Care


This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MAT 19 - Stacey Downes - Postpartum Hemorrhage Uterine Atony on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Stacey Downes, a 34-year-old Caucasian female, delivered an 8 lb 5 oz baby girl one hour ago following 28 hours of labor. Her prenatal course was unremarkable, except...


Postpartum Care

SLS for RN Bundle

This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MAT 19 - Stacey Downes - Postpartum Hemorrhage Uterine Atony on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Stacey Downes, a...

Case Information:
Bundles: SLS for RN Bundle
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: OB/GYN
Author: Elsevier
Language: English, Spanish
Room size: 16x16
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: labor and delivery, polyhydramnios, postpartum care, postpartum hemorrhage, sbar, uterine atony,

Postpartum Depression

Indiana University East SoN

AnaLee Diaz is a Hispanic non-english speaking female and a single parent who delivered her first child in the U.S. six weeks ago. She is doing well physically but her sister called the OB/GYN office and shared that she is concerned about AnaLee’s abnormal behavior and lowered mood. They believe...


Postpartum Depression

Social Determinants of Health

AnaLee Diaz is a Hispanic non-english speaking female and a single parent who delivered her first child in the U.S. six weeks ago. She is...

Case Information:
Bundles: Social Determinants of Health
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: OB/GYN
Author: Indiana University East SoN
Language: English
Room size: 16x16
Setting: Outpatient Clinic
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: car seat safety, depression, edinburgh postnatal depression scale, infant bonding, interpreter, postpartum, postpartum depression, spanish speaking,

Postpartum Hemorrhage


This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MAT 20 - Maddy Martin - Postpartum Hemorrhage Vaginal Hematoma on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Maddy Martin is a 32-year-old Caucasian female who experienced a precipitous delivery of a 9 lb 10 oz boy and suffered a third-degree vaginal tear. The patient is...


Postpartum Hemorrhage

SLS for RN Bundle

This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MAT 20 - Maddy Martin - Postpartum Hemorrhage Vaginal Hematoma on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Maddy Martin is...

Case Information:
Bundles: SLS for RN Bundle
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: OB/GYN
Author: Elsevier
Language: English, Spanish
Room size: 16x16
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: distended bladder, perineal pain, postpartum care, postpartum hemorrhage, precipitous delivery, sbar, vaginal hematoma, vaginal tear,

Postpartum Hemorrhage in ED


A 28-year-old female with no prenatal care is imminently delivering in the emergency room. The scenario begins with an EMS handover. Following the handover and subsequent placenta delivery, the patient becomes hemodynamically unstable from postpartum hemorrhage and requires aggressive resuscitation. If this is performed properly, the patient will improve, if...

Emergency Medicine

A 28-year-old female with no prenatal care is imminently delivering in the emergency room. The scenario begins with an EMS handover. Following the handover and...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Advanced Practice Provider, Physician, Resident
Specialty: Emergency Medicine, OB/GYN
Author: Vituity
Language: English, Spanish
Room size: 16x13
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: delivery kit, foley catheter, hemorrhage, hemorrhagic shock, hypotension, massive transfusion protocol, methergine, misoprostol, neonatal crash cart, oxytocin, placental delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, resuscitation, shock, txa, uterine massage,

Postpartum Hemorrhage—Hospital

Southeastern Illinois Univeristy

30-year-old African American female arriving at the Mother Baby Unit after delivering a male via vaginal delivery approximately 1 and a half hours ago at 39 weeks gestation, P3G2A1. Patient had a retained placenta requiring manual extraction. Patient has had 3 pads saturated in 1 hour and currently feels a...


30-year-old African American female arriving at the Mother Baby Unit after delivering a male via vaginal delivery approximately 1 and a half hours ago at...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: OB/GYN
Author: Southeastern Illinois Univeristy
Language: English
Room size: 15x15
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: bleeding after childbirth, emergency obstetric care, maternal health, maternal hemorrhage, obstetric hemorrhage, obstetrics training, postnatal care simulation, postpartum emergency, postpartum hemorrhage, PPH management, resuscitation training, uterine atony,

Postpartum: Placenta Increta


This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MAT 21 - Macy Polenski - Postpartum Hemorrhage Placenta Increta on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Macy Polenski is a 42-year-old Caucasian female who delivered a term female infant after a long and difficult delivery assisted by vacuum extraction. The scenario takes place an...


Postpartum: Placenta Increta

SLS for RN Bundle

This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MAT 21 - Macy Polenski - Postpartum Hemorrhage Placenta Increta on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Macy Polenski is...

Case Information:
Bundles: SLS for RN Bundle
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: OB/GYN
Author: Elsevier
Language: English, Spanish
Room size: 16x16
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: labor and delivery, placenta increta, postpartum hemorrhage, sbar,

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder


This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario PSY 08 - Jessie Hernandez - Posttraumatic Stress Disorder on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Jessie Hernandez is a 26-year-old Hispanic female who returned 3 months ago from her second deployment in the Middle East. Jessie was brought to the emergency room by her...


Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

SLS for RN Bundle

This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario PSY 08 - Jessie Hernandez - Posttraumatic Stress Disorder on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Jessie Hernandez is a...

Case Information:
Bundles: SLS for RN Bundle
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: Psychiatry
Author: Elsevier
Language: English
Room size: 19x16
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, psychiatric unit, ptsd, therapeutic communication,

Precipitous Labor & Neonatal Resuscitation


This scenario starts in the emergency department. There is an obviously pregnant mom who is screaming in pain. The OB/GYN cannot arrive at the hospital in time, even if they are paged. Delivery becomes imminent, and the mom gives birth to a baby with a poor tone and low heart...


This scenario starts in the emergency department. There is an obviously pregnant mom who is screaming in pain. The OB/GYN cannot arrive at the hospital...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Advanced Practice Provider, EMS, Nursing, Physician, Resident
Specialty: OB/GYN
Author: SimX
Language: English, Spanish
Room size: 20x13
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult, Neonatal
Patient Gender: Female, Multiple
Tags: emergency department, imminent birth, labor and delivery, neonatal, NRP, ob/gyn, ppv,



This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MAT 05 - Amber Rhodes - Preeclampsia HELLP Syndrome on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Amber Rhodes, a 35-year-old Caucasian female at 26 weeks’ gestation, was admitted to the labor and delivery unit with a diagnosis of preeclampsia with HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver...



SLS for RN Bundle

This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MAT 05 - Amber Rhodes - Preeclampsia HELLP Syndrome on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Amber Rhodes, a 35-year-old...

Case Information:
Bundles: SLS for RN Bundle
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: OB/GYN
Author: Elsevier
Language: English, Spanish
Room size: 16x16
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: hellp syndrome, labor and delivery, preeclampsia, sbar, therapeutic communication,



You are working in a rural Emergency Department. You see a 35 year-old female who comes into the emergency department for a headache. Through a proper history and physical, you also note right upper quadrant abdominal pain, leg swelling, and she is obviously pregnant. She is a G1P0 who is...

Emergency Medicine

You are working in a rural Emergency Department. You see a 35 year-old female who comes into the emergency department for a headache. Through a...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Physician, Resident
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Author: SimX
Language: English, Spanish
Room size: 16x13
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: abdominal pain, eclamptic seizure, ED, emergency department, OBGYN, preeclampsia, pregnant, seizure,

Preeclamptic Seizure


This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MAT 06 - Rona Berends - Preeclamptic Seizure on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Rona Berends, a 36-year-old Caucasian female at 38 weeks’ gestation, was admitted to labor and delivery with a diagnosis of preeclampsia. Magnesium sulfate and oxytocin infusions were started to induce...


Preeclamptic Seizure

SLS for RN Bundle

This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MAT 06 - Rona Berends - Preeclamptic Seizure on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Rona Berends, a 36-year-old Caucasian...

Case Information:
Bundles: SLS for RN Bundle
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: OB/GYN
Author: Elsevier
Language: English
Room size: 15x15
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: induced labor, labor and delivery, post-seizure care, preeclampsia, preeclamptic seizure, sbar, seizure, therapeutic communication,

Primary Care COVID-19

University of Nebraska Medical Center

A 60-year-old male presents to his primary care office after exposure to COVID-19 with clear symptoms. The learner will complete an initial assessment, communicate those findings to the physician, and perform a nasal swab. During a time lapse, the patient is hospitalized with COVID-19 and visits the learner again prior...

Internal Medicine

A 60-year-old male presents to his primary care office after exposure to COVID-19 with clear symptoms. The learner will complete an initial assessment, communicate those...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: Internal Medicine
Author: University of Nebraska Medical Center
Language: English
Room size: 15x15
Setting: Outpatient Clinic
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: continuity of care, covid, nasal swab, personal protective equipment, shortness of breath, telehealth,

Primary Care MI

University of Nebraska Medical Center

Mr. Simmons is a 60 year old male with a history of HTN, CAD, and hyperlipidemia. He is in the office for a routine checkup and becomes diaphoretic, complaining of chest and arm pain.  

Internal Medicine
Family Medicine

Mr. Simmons is a 60 year old male with a history of HTN, CAD, and hyperlipidemia. He is in the office for a routine checkup...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: Internal Medicine, Family Medicine
Author: University of Nebraska Medical Center
Language: English
Room size: 16x13
Setting: Outpatient Clinic
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: acute coronary syndrome, chest pain, ecg, sbar, stemi,

Primary Care UTI/BPH

University of Nebraska Medical Center

In this scenario, the patient is a 60 year old male with a history of HTN, CAD, and hyperlipidemia. He came to the hospital with symptoms of UTI. Learners must successfully assess the patient, recognize any abnormal findings, and respond with appropriate care. Throughout the scenario, learners must also communicate...

Internal Medicine

In this scenario, the patient is a 60 year old male with a history of HTN, CAD, and hyperlipidemia. He came to the hospital with...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Students
Specialty: Internal Medicine
Author: University of Nebraska Medical Center
Language: English
Room size: 16x16
Setting: Outpatient Clinic
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: BPH, HTN, hyperlipidemia, patient education, sbar, urine collection, uti,

Primary Postpartum Hemorrhage

Bundle of Rays

This scenario begins with a midwife who is in the process of delivering the patient’s baby. The learner is asked to take over patient care as the situation turns complicated and the patient begins to lose a lot of blood. The learner needs to check if the baby is okay...


This scenario begins with a midwife who is in the process of delivering the patient’s baby. The learner is asked to take over patient care...

Case Information:
Learner Population: Nursing, Physician, Resident
Specialty: OB/GYN
Author: Bundle of Rays
Language: English
Room size: 19x14
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: labor and delivery, ob/gyn, postpartum care, pregnancy complications, women's health,

Prioritization of Multiple Patients

University of Nebraska Medical Center

In this scenario, the learner is a nurse caring for four patients with one nursing assistant to help with basic tasks. One patient is an 82-year-old woman with a knee abscess and a drain that needs to be removed. Another patient is a 45-year-old man who is post colon resection....

Internal Medicine

Prioritization of Multiple Patients

SimX Nursing Bundle

In this scenario, the learner is a nurse caring for four patients with one nursing assistant to help with basic tasks. One patient is an...

Case Information:
Bundles: SimX Nursing Bundle
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: Internal Medicine
Author: University of Nebraska Medical Center
Language: English
Room size: 15x15
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Male and Female
Tags: bed alarm, bladder scan, delegation, diabetes, fall, multiplayer, multiple patients, multiroom, shortness of breath, straight cath, urinary retention,

Public Health: STI


This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 06 - Darlene Hall - Public Health: STI on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Darlene Hall is a 19-year-old Caucasian female. She is visiting the women’s clinic today for treatment of vaginal discharge. She was initially diagnosed with gonorrhea and a chlamydia infection...

Public Health: STI

SLS for RN Bundle

This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario COM 06 - Darlene Hall - Public Health: STI on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Darlene Hall is a...

Case Information:
Bundles: SLS for RN Bundle
Learner Population: Nursing
Author: Elsevier
Language: English
Room size: 15x15
Setting: Outpatient Clinic
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: hiv, hiv testing, intimate partner violence, ipv, sexually transmitted infection, social worker, sti, well child care, wic, women's health, women’s clinic,

Rapid Response


This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario LED 02 - Susan Weil - Rapid Response on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Susan Weil is a 76-year-old caucasian female. After sustaining several hip fractures, she was admitted to the medical-surgical unit for hemiarthro-plasty. Following surgery, the patient received a blood transfusion due...

Internal Medicine

Rapid Response

SLS for RN Bundle

This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario LED 02 - Susan Weil - Rapid Response on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Susan Weil is a 76-year-old...

Case Information:
Bundles: SLS for RN Bundle
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: Internal Medicine
Author: Elsevier
Language: English
Room size: 16x16
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: dvt, pulmonary embolism, rapid response, respiratory distress, sudden chest pain, sudden shortness of breath,

Rapid Sequence Intubation


The patient is a 65-year-old male who has a long-standing history of COPD. He has been having dyspnea on exertion for the past 2 weeks. He was placed on BiPAP and transferred to the ICU. The learner will evaluate and facilitate the resuscitation of the patient.

Critical Care

The patient is a 65-year-old male who has a long-standing history of COPD. He has been having dyspnea on exertion for the past 2 weeks....

Case Information:
Learner Population: Advanced Practice Provider, Nursing, Respiratory Therapist
Specialty: Critical Care
Author: TriHealth
Language: English
Room size: 16x18
Setting: ICU
Patient ect: Geriatric: 65+
Patient Gender: Male
Tags: BiPAP, copd, Failed Intubation, icu, intubation, medication administration, Patient Safety, respiratory distress, resuscitation,

Risk Assessment


This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario FUN 05 - Lisa Rae - Fall and Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Lisa Rae, a 78-year-old Caucasian female, was admitted with complaints of dizziness following a fall at her assisted living facility. Mrs. Rae was found to be...

Internal Medicine

Risk Assessment

SLS for RN Bundle

This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario FUN 05 - Lisa Rae - Fall and Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Lisa...

Case Information:
Bundles: SLS for RN Bundle
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: Internal Medicine
Author: Elsevier
Language: English, German, Spanish
Room size: 18x15
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Geriatric: 65+
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: braden pressure ulcer scale, elderly, fall risk assessment, morse fall scale, pressure ulcer,

Root Cause Analysis


This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario LED 01 - Margaret Chan - Medication Error With Root Cause Analysis on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Margaret Chan is a 68-year-old Asian female diagnosed with advanced metastatic non-small cell lung carcinoma one year ago. She was admitted to the medical-surgical unit for...

Internal Medicine

Root Cause Analysis

SLS for RN Bundle

This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario LED 01 - Margaret Chan - Medication Error With Root Cause Analysis on the Elsevier Evolve Platform Margaret...

Case Information:
Bundles: SLS for RN Bundle
Learner Population: Nursing
Specialty: Internal Medicine
Author: Elsevier
Language: English
Room size: 16x16
Setting: Hospital
Patient ect: Geriatric: 65+
Patient Gender: Female
Tags: carcinoma, electrolyte imbalance, fall risk, incident report, med-surg, medication error, root cause analysis (rca), sba,