wound dressing
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PCC Burn Management
SimX VALORStarting in a building of opportunity in a far forward location, participants receive handoff for a casualty that suffered extensive burns. The learner should assess the patient and determine TBSA burn. They should upgrade the airway to an endotracheal tube or surgical airway and place the patient on a ventilator....
PCC Burn Management
PCC Bundle
Starting in a building of opportunity in a far forward location, participants receive handoff for a casualty that suffered extensive burns. The learner should assess...
Case Information:
Bundles: PCC Bundle
Learner Population: EMS, Physician, Resident, Other
Specialty: Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Prehospital, Trauma, Wound Care
Author: SimX VALOR
Language: English, German
Room size: 16x16
Setting: Outdoor, Other
Patient ect: Adult
Patient Gender: Female
airway control,
analgesia and anxiolysis,
burn management,
fluid resuscitation,
prolonged casualty care,
surgical airway,
TBSA calculation,
telemedical consult,
ventilator management,
wound dressing,